Alone, with no one to talk to and
with the knowledge that her queen almost killed her, not to mention knowing
everything evil that Levana was doing Cress started to rebel. She did her
duties aboard the satellite, but when Cinder (the true queen of Luna) was being
hunted by all of Luna, and by Earth under threat of annihilation, Cress hid her
the way she had been hiding Lunar spaceships for years.
When Cinder and her friends learn
of this, they contact Cress and plan on rescuing her from her satellite prison,
but they are to slow. Sybil intercepts the message and is waiting for them aboard
Cress’ satellite. Just like the evil witch in Rapunzel. Sybil captures Scarlet
and heads back to Luna, hoping to use lunar methods of torcher to get the
information on Cinder and her plan to over throw the current crown. Before she
leaves for Luna though, Sybil blinds the hero Carswell Thorne who was the one
on the podship sent to retrieve Cress. The two are left in the satellite as
Sybil sets its coordinates to fall out of the sky and toward Earth.
Cinder, the true hero and main
character of this story is at a loss. Everyone she had been counting on to help
her is hurt, wounded, dead, or captured. She too has barely escaped with her
life, and the only person with her is a mortally hurt Wolf. The only thing she
can think to do is head to Africa, where the crazy Luna doctor lives in secret.
A doctor who has helped Cinder many times in her life, and the man who reveled
her true identity and saved her as a baby.
Would you believe that this isn’t
even the first half of the novel? That is how amazing this third installment of
the Lunar Chronicles is. I love the characters, the way each book
introduces different characters and themes of popular fairytales, without over
doing it or forcing the story to follow the original fairytale. I loved this
book, and couldn’t put it down. The 550 pages seemed to fly by as I read it.
Cannot wait for the next novel to come out next year!