Friday, July 5, 2013

Audible Badges

There is nothing better than sitting down with a book. Whether it is before going to bed, on a lunch break, or on a Friday night because sometimes a good sci-fi novel is better than listening to the same repetitive beats at a club. I’d rather read than just about anything, but sometimes it isn’t physically possible. I spend a lot of time in my car, for work and driving to visit family and I often used to feel like that was hours of time wasted. Music is great, but on drives that are hours or sometimes days in length it gets a little old. When I was little on road trips, my mom used to get us books on tape, mainly so that she wouldn’t have to listen to me and my brother bicker. Now, I use audible. It is one of my absolute favorite apps. One of the features of the app are Badges. Now, they don’t actually get you anything, but it is always fun to get milestones and see what kind of listener you are. Here are, to my knowledge, a list of what each badge is for and how to get it. Keep in mind though, if you switch phones it will reset all your data, and you with restart with no badges.

Stenographer: If you are a person who likes to jot down thought while reading or listening this isn’t to hard. Usually I just bookmark a section every so often with what just happened. You need to have the comment, not just the bookmark.
Silver: 10 Bookmarks w/ comment
Gold: 40 Bookmarks w/ comment
Diamond: 125 Bookmarks w/ comment

Social Butterfly: Sharing your achievements, bookmarks, thoughts, reviews etc on social media sites through the app
Silver: shared 5x
Gold: shared 25x
Diamond: shared 100x

Audible Obsessed: Listening daily
Silver: Listening every day for 7 days
Gold: Listening every day for 30 days
Diamond: Listening every day for 90 days

Weekend Warrior: Listening to books on the weekends seems to not be the norm, but to get this badge you’ll have to
Silver: 5 hours in one weekend
Gold: 10 hours in one weekend
Diamond: 24 hours in one weekend

Repeat Listener: Listening to the same book over and over isn’t a problem if it’s a good book with a great reading voice.
Silver: same audio book 3x
Gold: same audio book 10x
Diamond: same audio book 20x

All Nighter: Late night TV isn’t good anyways, so might as well listen to a good book.
Silver: listen to 4 hrs at night
Gold: listen to 6 hrs at night
Diamond: listen to 8 hrs at night

Marathoner: Perfect for long car trips, although honestly I have never made it to Diamond, that is crazy!!
Silver: listening 16 hours straight
Gold: listening 18 hours straight
Diamond: listening 24 hours straight

Undecided: This is starting and stopping three books, not finishing them.
Silver: listening to parts of 3 different titles in one day
Gold: listening to parts of 15 different titles in one day
Diamond: listening to parts of 40 different titles in one day

Flash 80: We are all a little obsessed with ourselves, so look at your stats often.
Silver: look at your stats 50x
Gold: look at your stats 200x
Diamond: look at your stats 500x

High Noon: I believe that it goes from 11am-130pm, at least that is what I noticed.
Silver: 2 hrs during lunchtime
Gold: 3 hrs during lunchtime
Diamond: 4 hrs during lunchtime

Binge Listener: HINT, I always end my book when it finishes, so about 30 seconds early because of the audible disclaimers and such.
Silver: 1 complete book start to finish
Gold: 5 complete books start to finish
Diamond: 10 books start to finish

7 day stretch: 3x speed? Lots of short stories and books? I don’t know how else to achieve the Diamond
Silver: Completed 7 books in a single week
Gold: Completed 15 books in a single week
Diamond: Completed 50 books in a single week

Procrastinator: Buying a bunch of books, and not reading them.
Silver: 10 unfinished books in your library
Gold: 20 unfinished books in your library
Diamond: 75 unfinished books in your library

The Stack: This only counts as audible books, unfortunately if you have gotten something on iTunes it doesn’t help with badges.
Silver: having 50 books in your library
Gold: having 200 books in your library
Diamond: having 500 books in your library

Mount Everest: Long books… I don’t even know of one that is 78 hours long, if you do let me know.
Silver: completing a title that is 30 hours long
Gold: completing a title that is 60 hours long
Diamond: completing a title that is 78 hours long


    The Complete King James Version Audio Bible
    By Simon Peterson (publisher)
    Narrated By Christopher Glyn
    Length: 86 hrs and 20 mins

    Found a book that is over 78 hours long lol

  2. They should really put Thomas Mann's Buddenbrooks on Audible.

  3. The Complete Wizard of Oz, by L. Baum, read by Eric Vincent, 85 hours, 42 minutes

  4. The Word of Promise Complete Audio Bible: NKJV by Thomas Nelson, Inc. 98 hours 4 minutes

  5. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire = 126 hours
