I love how novellas have taken off recently. While they are expensive (I mean .99-2.06 for something that is less than 70 pages), they do help tide me over while the novels are being written. It also gives another part of the story, another perspective.
The Transfer tells the story of how Tobias became Four. It starts during his testing, testing that his father trained him for to make sure that he ended up in Abnegation. But Tobias hates it there. He hates how cut off he is from the rest of the faction, hates the way his father beats him, hates everything about his simple life. During the choosing ceremony, he chooses Dauntless. He does through the train indication and the fear exercise. This we know about from the first Divergent novel, but here we see his four fears through his eyes, and how the nickname first came to be.
Yes, this novella is really expensive, and I would probably recommend that you find someone who already downloaded it to read, but it is worth reading.
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