Thursday, November 7, 2013

The Dark Unwinding (UBER QUICK REVIEW)

Katharine Tulman has been sent by her aunt to inquire on the mental state of her rich uncle. Katharine’s fate and fortune is tied to her aunt’s, so when she discovers that her uncle is just a little bit different, she decides to return to London and inform her aunt that all the family money should be taken away from him.
However, while Katherine is there she begins to rethink her decision. While her uncle has many mental issues, he is at the same time a brilliant inventor, and employees over 900 people, giving down and out families a chance at a better life.
But things around the manor are not as they seem. Katharine herself begins to have fits and memory lapses, and the workers and house servants act peculiarly around her and sneak around in passageways and in her uncles workshop when he’s not there.
This novel moved a little slow for my taste, but I liked the actual story.

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